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Navy MWR Launches Program to Upgrade Wi-Fi at Liberty Centers

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WASHINGTON - The Navy Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program has taken a major step forward in enhancing the quality of life for Sailors by focusing on improving Wi-Fi services at CONUS Navy MWR Liberty Centers. Recognizing the importance of reliable and high-speed internet connectivity, this initiative aimed to provide an enhanced digital experience and ensure Sailors are able to stay connected, communicate and enjoy recreational activities while visiting MWR Liberty Centers.

MWR's decision to prioritize the improvement initiative is in response to the growing demand for reliable internet connectivity among Sailors. Prior to the upgrade, Liberty Centers’ Wi-Fi speeds averaged 5Mbps up and 3Mbps down. A new service delivery model was created to analyze the Liberty Centers' Wi-Fi usage and based on the data captured, Wi-Fi speeds were appropriately increased in all CONUS MWR Liberty Centers.

The goal was to establish a standard of connectivity that meets the evolving needs of Sailors and aligns with the digital era. The upgraded Wi-Fi speed caters to Sailors' personal communication needs and facilitates various online activities such as streaming music and videos, gaming and accessing educational resources.

“Providing quality internet services is vital to our junior Sailors so that they may stay connected with family and friends or fully enjoy programs that MWR offers, such as gaming, free movies and music downloads from the digital library without delays,” said Gerry Morris, Liberty Program Analyst, Commander, Navy Installations Command’s Fleet and Family Readiness Headquarters.

Navy MWR Liberty Centers allow for the development of personal leisure skills which leads to interest in activities associated with an alcohol and tobacco-free environment. For more information about Navy MWR Liberty Centers, visit

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